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Free webinars by CEIMArs – years 2021 and 2022

Posted 1 gennaio 2021 by Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo MD in Highlights
free webinars by ceimars

Free Education Online Events by CEIMArs Italy – 2021-2022
for the lovers of Performing Arts, and of Performing Arts Medicine.

Almost all the informal (1,15h long) Monday’s webinars are held in Italian (starting @ 19h15 ● UTC +1, Rome, I), and will be broadcast via web-radio linked live on YouTube. They have a medium level of difficulty. They are organized by Officine Thelo (a non profit Italian Association), under the auspices of the CEIMArs (the non profit Italian interdisciplinary Center for Performing Arts Medicine). All the webinars are specifically designed for the updating & training of all those who (not only among clinic and educational professionals) love the voice and the performing arts.

Please, if you are a researcher in ‘Performing Studies’ and/or in ‘Performing Arts Medicine PAM’, and, from anywhere in the world, you would like to participate and to be interviewed, make a request via email to med.staff[at]ceimars[dot]it, and also propose two possible titles/topics. Thanks

Please, help us to spread everywhere and as much as possible the info about these wonderful FREE LESSONS. Thanks a lot.

formazione gratuita ceimars

formazione gratuita ceimars



INFORMAL and FREE webinars live on YouTube, about Performing Arts Medicine

About the Author

Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo MD
Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo MD

Performing Arts Medicine Doctor in Italy